
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017


Kudeta By:"Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism","Photojournalists' Guild of the Philippines" Published on 1990 by This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword kudeta.

The New Testament of ... Jesus Christ in the Hindustani Language

The New Testament of ... Jesus Christ in the Hindustani Language By:"[Anonymus AC09710305 Published on 1841 by This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.

The Gospels and Acts in English and Hindustha'ni'

The Gospels and Acts in English and Hindustha'ni' By: Published on 1837 by This Book was ranked 20 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.

Dialah Cinta Hatiku

Dialah Cinta Hatiku By:"Aisya Sofea" Published on 2014 by Alaf 21 Bagi Julianna Isabelle, cinta hanya sekali. Sudah enam tahun dia bersama Rizan. Namun apa yang dirasa; Rizan bukan lelaki yang mengganggu mimpinya. Rizan juga bukan lelaki yang dia rindui. Nanar gelisahnya juga bukan kerana lelaki itu. Tapi siapa? Ada satu nama yang terukir di sudut hatinya. Megat Iskandar Zulkarnain! Akhirnya lelaki itu pulang membuka hijab cinta Julianna. Lebih tulus, lebih suci dan sangat bermakna buat mereka. Sayangnya, Megat adalah abang Rizan dan Julianna pula bakal ditunangkan dengan Rizan. Mana mungkin seorang abang sanggup merampas bakal adik iparnya sendiri? Megat nekad. Enam tahun yang dipersiakan harus ditebus semula. Julianna juga tekad. Dia redha menerima lafaz ijab kabul Megat biarpun ada hati yang terluka. Namun, perkahwinan yang baru berusia seminggu dihempas badai. Megat ada perempuan lain! Hanya air mata yang menceritakan seksa dan derita yang memamah sekujur tubuhnya. This B...

Sejarah untuk SMA/MA keleas X

Sejarah untuk SMA/MA keleas X By: Published on by Grasindo This Book was ranked 23 by Google Books for keyword sejarah.

Belajar Mudah Merakit Komputer

Belajar Mudah Merakit Komputer By: Published on by Penerbit Mediakom This Book was ranked 29 by Google Books for keyword belajar.

Bung Karno di antara saksi dan peristiwa

Bung Karno di antara saksi dan peristiwa By: Published on 2009 by Penerbit Buku Kompas Essays on political views and life of Soekarno, the first Indonesian President. This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword bung karno.

Kehormatan bagi yang berhak

Kehormatan bagi yang berhak By: Published on 2008 by VisiMedia The position of former president Soekarno, 1901-1970, in the abortive Communist coup of 30th September 1965, Gerakan Tigapuluh September. This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword bung karno.


Ahok By:"Markus Gunawan" Published on 2013-11-01 by VisiMedia Berani-beraninya seorang etnis Tionghoa dari Dusun Belitung Timur, berlaku keras kepada para “bandit Ibu Kota”. Berani-beraninya seorang pengusaha yang pabriknya pernah ditutup karena melawan pemerintah terjun ke dunia politik. Berani-beraninya wakil gubernur baru DKI Jakarta ini mengangkat senjata untuk semua tindak korupsi dan kesewenang-wenangan. Ya, Ahok memang kontroversional. Sosoknya sebagai Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta telah mengobrak-abrik “dunia mafia” Jakarta yang telah mengurat dan mengakar. Dengan bahasanya yang blak-blakan, gayanya yang apa adanya, dan tanpa kompromi, Ahok telah mengubah peta perpolitikan Indonesia. Dari jejak langkahnya sebagai anggota DPRD Bangka Belitung; Bupati Bangka Belitung; anggota DPR RI yang bersih, transparan, dan tanpa kenal kompromi; hingga langkah-langkah koboinya sebagai DKI 2 dengan satu tujuan, keadilan untuk rakyat! -VisiMedia- This Book was ranked 15 by Google Books ...

Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese Empire

Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese Empire By:"Paul H. Kratoska" Published on 2014-12-18 by Routledge During the Pacific War the Japanese government used a wide range of methods to recruit workers for construction projects throughout the occupied territories. Mistreatment of workers was a major grievance, both in widely publicized cases such as the use of prisoners of war and forced Asian labor to construct the Thailand-Burma \ This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword tan malaka.

Tan Malaka

Tan Malaka By:"Taufik Adi Susilo" Published on 2008 by Biography of Tan Malaka, an Indonesian revolutionaries. This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword tan malaka.

Membongkar Supersemar

Membongkar Supersemar By:"Baskara T. Wardaya, SJ" Published on 2007-01-01 by Galangpress Publisher Surat Perintah 11 Maret 1966 (Supersemar) mesti dibongkar. Kemunculannya didahului oleh banjir darah setengah juta rakyat Indonesia dalam pembantaian massal yang berlangsung antara pekan ketiga bulan Oktober hingga Desember 1965. Usai surat itu ditandatangani Bung Karno dan kemudian diterima Letnan Jenderal Soeharto, politik Indonesia berubah drastis. Kurang dari duapuluh empat jam setelah ditandatanganinya surat itu, Soeharto langsung membubarkan Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI), mengatur keanggotaan partai, menangkap belasan menteri dan menyingkirkan orang-orang yang pro Bung Karno. Supersemar juga menandai perubahan besar pada orientasi berbagai kebijakan di Indonesia: makin merosotnya kekuasaan Presiden Sukarno dan makin naiknya kekuatan Letnan Jenderal Soeharto; arah perpolitikan Indonesia berbelok dari sipil ke militer, dari berorientasi ke kiri ke haluan kanan, dan dari ant...

Seri Panduan Belajar dan Evaluasi Bahasa Inggris: Untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX

Seri Panduan Belajar dan Evaluasi Bahasa Inggris: Untuk SMP/MTs Kelas IX By:"Y. Gratiana, Th. Esti Wulandari" Published on by Grasindo This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword belajar.

The Military and Democracy in Indonesia

The Military and Democracy in Indonesia By:"Angel Rabasa","John Haseman" Published on 2002-12-13 by Rand Corporation The military is one of the few institutions that cut across the divides of Indonesian society. As it continues to play a critical part in determining Indonesia's future, the military itself is undergoing profound change. The authors of this book examine the role of the military in politics and society since the fall of President Suharto in 1998. They present several strategic scenarios for Indonesia, which have important implications for U.S.-Indonesian relations, and propose goals for Indonesian military reform and elements of a U.S. engagement policy. This Book was ranked 40 by Google Books for keyword pki.

Windows Server 2003 Security Infrastructures

Windows Server 2003 Security Infrastructures By:"Jan De Clercq" Published on 2004-04-02 by Digital Press Windows Server 2003 Security Infrastructures is a must for anyone that wants to know the nuts and bolts of Windows Server 2003 security and wants to leverage the operating system's security infrastructure components to build a more secure I.T. infrastructure. The primary goal of this book is to provide insights into the security features and technologies of the Windows Server 2003 operating system. It also highlights the security principles an architect should remember when designing an infrastructure that is rooted on the Windows Server 2003 OS. *Explains nuts and bolts of Windows Server 2003 security *Provides practical insights into how to deploy and administer secure Windows Server 2003 infrastructures *Draws on the experience of a lead consultant in the Microsoft security area This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword pki.

India's Women

India's Women By: Published on 1895 by This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword ahok.


Gamelan By:"Sumarsam" Published on 1995-12-15 by University of Chicago Press Gamelan is the first study of the music of Java and the development of the gamelan to take into account extensive historical sources and contemporary cultural theory and criticism. An ensemble dominated by bronze percussion instruments that dates back to the twelfth century in Java, the gamelan as a musical organization and a genre of performance reflects a cultural heritage that is the product of centuries of interaction between Hindu, Islamic, European, Chinese, and Malay cultural forces. Drawing on sources ranging from a twelfth-century royal poem to the writing of a twentieth-century nationalist, Sumarsam shows how the Indian-inspired contexts and ideology of the Javanese performing arts were first adjusted to the Sufi tradition and later shaped by European performance styles in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He then turns to accounts of gamelan theory and practice from the colonial and...

Lage Raho Munna Bhai

Lage Raho Munna Bhai By:"Vinod Chopra" Published on 2010 by Om Books International Since its release on September 1, 2006, Lage Raho Munna Bhai has been watched by millions, broken box-office records, won unprecedented praise from the masses and critics alike, and most importantly, forced a nation of one billion people and the world’s largest democracy to revisit their much misunderstood icon, Mahatma Gandhi.Following the release of the film, there has been a four hundred percent increase in the sale of literature about Gandhi. Schools and universities have introduced courses on Gandhigiri - a phrase from the film that has become a part of India’s collective consciousness. Websites, fan clubs, discussion forums, and citizen groups have sprung across the nation to discuss the film’s unique ideas. The Washington Post called the film, “A phenomenon that made Gandhi a pop icon.” Amazingly, the movie that has inspired such an astonishing response is an unassuming comedy. A gangste...

Ayat Ayat Cinta

Ayat Ayat Cinta By:"Habiburrahman El Shirazy" Published on 2017-09-29 by Penerbit Republika & Basmala Tentang seorang pemuda Indonesia yang mencari ilmu jauh di tanah Arab. Berbekal iman yang kuat dan ketabahan, Fahri mengalami banyak hal yang menggetarkan hidupnya, yang sesaat membuat Fahri mempertanyakan jalan hidupnya. Kesabaran dan keimanan adalah kunci kehidupan. Fahri, Aisyah dan Maria membuktikannya dalam cerita yang halus dan mengalir. This Book was ranked 27 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.

Daun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin

Daun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin By:"Tere Liye" Published on 2017-09-24 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama Dia bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Merengkuh aku, adikku, dan Ibu dari kehidupan jalanan yang miskin dan nestapa. Memberikan makan, tempat berteduh, sekolah, dan janji masa depan yang lebih baik. Dia sungguh bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Memberikan kasih sayang, perhatian, dan teladan tanpa mengharap budi sekali pun. Dan lihatlah, aku membalas itu semua dengan membiarkan mekar perasaan ini. Ibu benar, tak layak aku mencintai malaikat keluarga kami. Tak pantas. Maafkan aku, Ibu. Perasaan kagum, terpesona, atau entahlah itu muncul tak tertahankan bahkan sejak rambutku masih dikepang dua. Sekarang, ketika aku tahu dia boleh jadi tidak pernah menganggapku lebih dari seorang adik yang tidak tahu diri, biarlah... Biarlah aku luruh ke bumi seperti sehelai daun... daun yang tidak pernah membenci angin meski harus terenggutkan dari tangkai pohonnya This Book was ranked 1...

Rahsia Cinta Ibu (Mom's Secret Love)

Rahsia Cinta Ibu (Mom's Secret Love) By:"Amoora Aboody" Published on 2014-03 by Partridge Singapore Cut Hamizalia, a Grandaughter of The last King of Aceh decendent Teungku Panggiran Achmad, has decide to across the sea alone, and get her step aunt, that study in Penang Island to cure her mother, Cut Zamrina from depression after both kids death. A pretty young lady that split with her fiancee, Teuku Lendra Hakiem during the journey since Teuku heard about the conflict of Sabah 1963, must agreed with God's faith to settle down as normal people in Kampung Sungai Tapah, Ipoh Malaysia and grew up two step sons after her read a letter from juwita bin kusadi. Cut Hamizalia found life was hard as a normal people with step son that always against her, regardless how good she taking care of them. Her son always utilize Nadia to reach his dream living in England as rich boy. After waiting for 17 years, Cut Hamizalia was terrible shock meeting her fiancee ever again in her daug...

Projections of Power

Projections of Power By:"Anne L. Foster" Published on 2010-07-09 by Duke University Press Throughout its history, the United States has been both imperialistic and anticolonial: imperialistic in its expansion across the continent and across oceans to colonies such as the Philippines, and anticolonial in its rhetoric and ideology. How did this contradiction shape its interactions with European colonists and Southeast Asians after the United States joined the ranks of colonial powers in 1898? Anne L. Foster argues that the actions of the United States functioned primarily to uphold, and even strengthen, the colonial order in Southeast Asia. The United States participated in international agreements to track and suppress the region’s communists and radical nationalists, and in economic agreements benefiting the colonial powers. Yet the American presence did not always serve colonial ends; American cultural products (including movies and consumer goods) and its economic practices...

Tan Malaka

Tan Malaka By: Published on 2010 by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Biography of Tan Malaka, an Indonesian nationalist. This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword tan malaka.

Kontroversi \

Kontroversi \ By:"A. Pambudi" Published on 2007 by Controversy on the coup d'Ă©tat against President Habibie by Prabowo Subianto in 1998, former chief of the Indonesian Army's Special Forces This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword kudeta.


Parchhai By:"Nitin Pandey" Published on 2016-08-23 by Notion Press Muddaton baad unhone ek guzarish ki humse, Kaha-Agar sacchi mohabbat karte ho, To rahna taa-umar door ab humse, Inkaar karne ki khwahish liye, Unhe dekhte hi rah gaye, Per inkar karte bhi kaise, Humne to bas ishq kiya tha… Saccha kyaa aur jhoota kya, Dil se kaha ab der na ker, Jara si nami leker aankho me, Humne kah hi diya… \ This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.


Sejarah By: Published on 2004 by Grasindo Introduction to Indonesian and world history; a text book. This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword sejarah.

Percikan sains dalam Al Quran

Percikan sains dalam Al Quran By: Published on 2005 by Niaga Swadaya This Book was ranked 34 by Google Books for keyword sains.

Menjembatani Sains Dan Agama

Menjembatani Sains Dan Agama By: Published on by BPK Gunung Mulia This Book was ranked 27 by Google Books for keyword sains.

J2EE Security for Servlets, EJBs and Web Services

J2EE Security for Servlets, EJBs and Web Services By:"Pankaj Kumar" Published on 2004 by Prentice Hall Professional - Explains security concepts in simple terms and relates these to standards, Java APIs, software products and day-to-day job activities of programmers. - Written by a practitioner who participated in the development of a J2EE App Server and Web Services Platform at HP. - Applied security measures demonstrated on Java APIs - a unique feature of the book. This Book was ranked 36 by Google Books for keyword pki.

Kejora Di Langit Cinta

Kejora Di Langit Cinta By:"Anis Ayuni" Published on 101-01-01 by Alaf 21 NUR FARADILA bahagia bersama mama dan adik perempuannya walaupun papa sudah pergi buat selama-lamanya. Walaupun berdepan dengan kenakalan murid-murid, dia tetap gembira menyandang tugas seorang guru. Malah, hidupnya semakin ceria dengan kehadiran Khalish di ruang yang sangat istimewa. Memang Khalish lelaki dambaannya sejak empattahun yang lalu. Sejak bertemu di Kota Makkah ketika menunaikan umrah, langit jiwanya dipenuhi kejora cinta buat si dia. Namun, dipendamkan rasa itu kerana malu. Bimbang kalau bertepuk sebelah tangan. Jejaka itu terlalu memukau akal dan fikirannya. This Book was ranked 20 by Google Books for keyword cinta.

Kudeta Mei '98

Kudeta Mei '98 By:"Arwan Tuti Artha" Published on 2007 by Presumed conspiracy led by Prabowo Subianto, former commander of the Army Special Forces Command, to oust President Habibie during the political transition period, 1998-1999 This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword kudeta.

Pembimbing ke dalam sejarah gereja

Pembimbing ke dalam sejarah gereja By: Published on 1989 by BPK Gunung Mulia This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword sejarah.

Going Bananas

Going Bananas By: Published on 2007 by Khairur Rahim Ahmad Hilme This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword sains.

Pengislamisasian Falsafah Sains Dan Teknologi Di Alam Melayu Antara Realiti Dan Harapan

Pengislamisasian Falsafah Sains Dan Teknologi Di Alam Melayu Antara Realiti Dan Harapan By:"Halimi Mohd. Khalid" Published on 2010 by This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword sains.


Ahok By:"Ismantoro Dwi Yuwono" Published on 2014 by Political thoughts of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Vice Governor of Jakarta, Indonesia. This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword ahok.

Sepotong Hati Yang Baru

Sepotong Hati Yang Baru By:"Tere Liye" Published on 2017-09-23 by Penerbit Mahaka Kita hanya punya sepotong hati, bukan? Satu-satunya. Lantas bagaimana kalau hati itu terluka? Disakiti justeru oleh orang yang kita cintai? Aduh, apakah kita bisa mengobatinya? Apakah luka itu bisa pulih, tanpa bekas? Atau jangan-jangan, kita harus menggantinya dengan sepotong hati yang baru. Semoga datanglah pemahaman baik itu. Bahwa semua pengalaman cinta dan perasaan adalah spesial. Sama spesialnya dengan milik kita, tidak peduli sesederhana apapun itu, sepanjang dibungkus dengan pemahaman-pemahaman baik. Selamat membaca cerita-cerita Sepotong Hati Yang Baru. This Book was ranked 9 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.


Hujan By:"Tere Liye" Published on 2017-09-23 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama Tentang persahabatan Tentang cinta Tentang perpisahan Tentang melupakan Tentang hujan This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.

Masyarakat Melayu Pulau Pinang Dalam Arus Sejarah (Penerbit USM)

Masyarakat Melayu Pulau Pinang Dalam Arus Sejarah (Penerbit USM) By:"Muhammad Haji Salleh "," Mahani Musa" Published on 2016-06-13 by Penerbit USM Buku ini meninjau perkembangan dalam aspek sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat Melayu Pulau Pinang sejak awal kurun ke-19 sehingga meletusnya Perang Dunia Kedua dan beberapa dekad selepasnya. Kedudukan Pulau Pinang sebagai pelabuhan perdagangan sejak diambil alih oleh Syarikat Hindia Timur Inggeris (SHTI) daripada kesultanan Kedah pada 1786 menukar dengan cepat corak kehidupan orang Melayu di negeri ini. Mereka bukan sahaja bersaing mencari kemajuan dalam aspek ekonomi, malah terdedah kepada pembaharuan yang dibawa dari luar mahupun dari negeri-negeri Melayu sendiri. Sifat persaingan dalam sebuah kehidupan kosmopolitan ini turut membawa kemajuan dalam pendidikan, kesusasteraan dan percetakan. Di Pulau Pinang inilah lahirnya pemikir yang memanjangkan pemodenan yang turut menggunakan percetakan sebagai wadah menyampaikan transfor...

Nexus Xpress PBS Sains Tingkatan 2

Nexus Xpress PBS Sains Tingkatan 2 By:"Ng Chee Kin" Published on 2014-05-05 by Learning Space Australia Menepati Perkembangan Pembelajaran Murid (PPPM) Band 1-6, Sukatan Pelajaran dan Spesifikasi Kurikulum Sains Tingkatan 2 yang terbaharu. Nota revisinya lengkap dan mudah difahami, reka letak yang mesra tablet dan iPad, dan penggunaan illustrasi yang berwarna-warni. Teksnya mengintegrasikan Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) untuk membantu pelajar skor 'A' dalam Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3). This Book was ranked 37 by Google Books for keyword sains.

Sains kesehatan

Sains kesehatan By: Published on 2002 by On health studies in Indonesia. This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword sains.

36 Menit Belajar Komputer: Photoshop Cs3

36 Menit Belajar Komputer: Photoshop Cs3 By: Published on by Elex Media Komputindo This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword belajar.

Public Key Infrastructure

Public Key Infrastructure By:"John R. Vacca" Published on 2004-05-11 by CRC Press With the recent Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, public key cryptography, digital signatures, and digital certificates are finally emerging as a ubiquitous part of the Information Technology landscape. Although these technologies have been around for over twenty years, this legislative move will surely boost e-commerce activity. Secure electronic business transactions, such as contracts, legal documents, insurance, and bank loans are now legally recognized. In order to adjust to the realities of the marketplace, other services may be needed, such as a non-repudiation service, digital notary, or digital time-stamping service. The collection of these components, known as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), is paving the way for secure communications within organizations and on the public Internet. This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword pki.

Bung Karno Menggugat

Bung Karno Menggugat By:"Baskara T Wardaya" Published on 2006-01-01 by Galangpress Publisher Dengan melalui Bung Karno sebagai fokus sekaligus benang merah, buku Anda ini berusaha “menggugat” kembali sejumlah narasi penguasa yang telah terlanjur beredar mengenai berbagai peristiwa dan gagasan penting dalam sejarah politik sejak jaman pergerakan hingga kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hasilnya bukan hanya paparan yang berbeda dengan paparan yang biasa kita dengar, melainkan juga rangsangan untuk mengembangkan wawasan dan berpikir lebih kreatif. Digugat kembali,misalnya, anatara pemikiran-pemikiran Bung Karno muda dan Bung Karno tua; Bung Karno dalam kaitan dengan Tragedi’65; corak kepemimpinan Presiden Sukarno dibandingkan dengan model kepemimpinan Presiden Soeharto;peran asing dalam dinamika politik Indonesia di bawah pimpinan Bung Karno; serta konsekuensi dari semua itu atas pemahaman sejarah Indonesia, berikut implikasinya terhadap apa yang sedang berlangsung sekarang ini. Semuanya d...

Keluarga Besar Bung Karno

Keluarga Besar Bung Karno By: Published on 1998 by This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword bung karno.

The Missionary Review of the World

The Missionary Review of the World By: Published on 1894 by This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword ahok.

Kudeta 1 Oktober 1965

Kudeta 1 Oktober 1965 By:"Benedict Richard O'Gorman Anderson","Ruth Thomas MacVey","Cornell University. Modern Indonesia Project","Galuh HE. Akoso","M. Imam Aziz","Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia (LKPSM) (Yogyakarta)" Published on 2001 by This Book was ranked 20 by Google Books for keyword kudeta.

Philippine Politics

Philippine Politics By:"Lynn T. White III" Published on 2014-12-17 by Routledge Philippine political history, especially in the twentieth century, challenges the image of democratic evolution as serving the people, and does so in ways that reveal inadequately explored aspects of many democracies. In the first decades of the twenty-first century the Philippines has nonetheless shown gradual socioeconomic \ This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword kudeta.

1984 - A Love Story

1984 - A Love Story By:"Gurkaran Singh" Published on 2016-10-17 by Published by: © 2016 MeetCoogle. All Rights reserved and millions of readers around the world. Readers looking for a teenage love story, teen romance, inter religion love, religious riots, compassion, struggle, love beyond boundaries, marriage and much more will find this book a delight and will take them into a wonderful journey of compassion. A Sikh boy loves a Hindu girl. Both the families have also agreed upon the marriage. But as the calender changes to 1984 everything changes. To find out read this story. This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.

Moga bunda disayang Allah

Moga bunda disayang Allah By: Published on 2006 by Penerbit Republika This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.

Metropop: The Gogons James and The Incredible Incidents

Metropop: The Gogons James and The Incredible Incidents By: Published on 2006 by Gramedia Pustaka Utama This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword tere liye.